Advanced Instruction Through Advanced Techniques For Advanced Results

Video Enhanced Instruction

Advanced flight is pioneering the use of Video Enhanced Instruction in the Robinson R44 by combining high time instructors with the latest in on board video technology.

Video Enhanced Instruction uses four cameras on the helicopter, positioned to record each maneuver performed during the flight lesson. By recording the instruments, pilot, aircraft attitude and the area in front of the helicopter, a complete picture of exactly what is happening is captured.

Greater Understanding, Safer Flying

By recording each lesson for post flight analysis, instructor and student are able to evaluate the flight in the comfort of the classroom, without the usual pressures of the cockpit environment. Each maneuver can be broken down and explained, giving the student the opportunity to fully understand where errors are being made.

From taking and off and landing to the more advanced maneuvers such as full touch down auto rotations, a better understanding through experience and technology brings a level of skill, that in the past, would have required many extra hours of training to achieve.

Video Enhanced Instruction is an excellent training tool for R44 Transitions, Flight Reviews, SFAR 73 currency or students who would simply like to improve their skill and knowledge levels.

From private helicopter owners to experienced flight instructors, all will see a marked improvement in both their flying and understanding with Video Enhanced Instruction.

With this level of experience and technology, students are given an understanding of the helicopter which is unparalleled with standard instruction.

© 2011 Advanced Flight LLC